10 Attributes of Extraordinary Leadership and How You Can Manifest Your Potential Starting Now
Advance your training when you join us for The CCM Leadership Convention in Atlanta, GA
10 Attributes of Extraordinary Leadership and How You Can Manifest Your Potential Starting Now
The essence of Conscious Conservative Leadership is to embody Kingdom laws and spiritual principles as an individual so our influence is most impactful publicly.
Conscious Conservatism is defined as:
[a demonstration of] how moral conservatism empowers us to create social, political, and economic empires based on Kingdom principles. As leaders, our 'consciousness' stems from our awareness of spiritual laws that, when applied correctly, guarantee our success. We conserve these truths and implement these values to solve problems in our communities. And as a result of doing things this better way, we can expect better results that last for generations to come." - Coach Felecia Killings, Author of Conscious Conservatism: Building Social, Political, and Economic Empires Based on Kingdom Principles
Empowering leadership is not formed in a vacuum. Rather, it is developed over time and perfected through hardships.
To the men and women who aspire to national heights, this lesson will teach you 10 attributes of extraordinary leadership and how you can manifest your own potential, starting now.
Extraordinary leaders possess a servant's heart.
In Mark 10:43, Jesus spoke of this when He said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” What a sobering message for anyone looking to be at the forefront. Too often, people mistake leadership for "influencer status." They equate leadership based on how many social media followers they have. But that is not true leadership when none of those followers have been taught how to tap into their own gifts and calling. Extraordinary leaders provide a service to the people God brings their way. They teach or train them to manifest their excellence. This is why certain leaders are elevated and remain. Their value to their communities is never-ending.
Extraordinary leaders possess integrity.
Integrity is defined as the “quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.” Arguably, those we consider good leaders are the ones who maintain a level of honesty in their dealings with others. Integrity keeps us from sinning against the people we're called to empower. It also keeps us from sinning against fellow leaders in our spheres of influence. Integrity is most often tested when all hell breaks loose or when temptations arise that cause us to compromise our moral values for temporary pleasures. But for extraordinary leaders, we make integrity our pillar so we continue expanding our influence.
Extraordinary leaders possess a willingness to pay the price for their calling.
Leadership is costly. I'm not talking about the occasional slander most "leaders" experience as a result of their public platforms. I am talking about the entire sacrifice one must pay for the calling God placed on them. Sometimes this calling compels us to give up house, family members, friends, loved ones, or money just to fulfill the purpose. That "price" will look differently for all of us. For me, the price included leaving everything familiar to me and moving to a new land where I knew the calling would flourish. That "price" also included sacrificing the comforts of my private life to embrace a public one, knowing how the virtual space blasted my name. But to each one who willingly pays the price, we have this promise: “No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life" (Mark 10:29-30, emphasis added).
Extraordinary leaders possess a heart for the lost.
They are consumed with passion for a segment in society that's struggling. They desire strongly to see that segment prosper; and the vision to bring the lost into the light consumes them daily.
Extraordinary leaders possess Wisdom and Understanding regarding their chosen industry.
It's not enough to have a heart for the lost or to have a desire to help others. Extraordinary leaders are those who also have keen insight, understanding, and awareness of the industry in which they are called. Expert knowledge in a selected field is crucial for building trust among the people and establishing credibility among other fellow leaders.
Extraordinary leaders know how to set their face like a flint.
This phrase is powerful; it demonstrates a leader’s potential to be hard-pressed against oppositions. In Isaiah 50:7, the prophet declared, “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” To better understand this analogy, you must know what a flint is. By definition, it is a hard form of the mineral quartz. It is used to light fires. Although it is capable of such a task, a flint is also fragile and should not be exposed to excessive heat or else it will fracture. In order to combat fragmentation, a flint can be “heat-treated” gradually by being exposed to intense heat over a period of time. This will make the flint cleaner and sharper, able to produce better quality tools. The lesson here: Every extraordinary leader will inevitably encounter obstacles and hardships that will try to destroy him. Therefore, leaders must set their faces like a flint. Though the opposition's fire may be hot, God will cause these leaders to become cleaner and sharper in their gifts while making a greater impact in their sphere because they did not fracture under fire.
Extraordinary leaders possess "quiet power."
There is a time and season for everything. A time to speak and a time to remain quiet. Extraordinary leaders understand these "seasons" and move accordingly as the Spirit leads. Yet, even in quiet times, these leaders still exercise power. Oftentimes, this quietness is spent in prayer, reading, meditation, or contemplation. The quiet times are generally the moments when a fresh idea or new word comes to help us deliver a solution to a problem. Our silence in these moments is not weakness but rather strength of character, because extraordinary leaders need not be loud or boisterous to influence others. We are action-minded, and when the time to speak arises, we deliver Wisdom and Understanding that comes from "a place beyond man's limitations."
Extraordinary leaders surround themselves with a council of elders.
Even in our greatest accomplishments, when we have manifested great wonders, extraordinary leaders turn to their council of elders to guide them. At this level of leadership, it's easy to fall victim to pride and arrogance. When we see so many wonderful feats manifesting as a result of our voices, temptation causes us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. The worst move we can make as leaders is "believing our own press." For this reason, a council of elders is always necessary to keep us humble; to remind us that nothing we have today is a result of only our efforts, but God's gifting and grace. Elders provide Wisdom to us on another level. They remind us to love our enemies when all we want to do is throw fire at the ones who betrayed us. Elders remind us to stay committed to the calling. They place restrictions on us to keep us from falling into temptations that will take us off course. Elders are our encouragement when the people we've helped the most turn their backs on us. They are the empowering voices in our ears when we are contemplating aborting our assignment. A council of elders is necessary for a well-balanced leader.
Extraordinary leaders think on higher planes.
They are intimately acquainted with core spiritual laws and principles, and they apply these elements to their lives daily. They practice these laws, which keeps their minds focused on higher things. For this reason, the public watches us display extraordinary feats. We do this, not because of our own human strength, which is fragile, but because we've learned to think like God.
Extraordinary leaders understand the power of persecution and use it to their advantage.
There is a saying: "All press is good press, even if it's bad." Each time extraordinary leaders endure public persecution, more attention is brought to their platforms, their movements, or their ministry. While persecution may cause some people to scatter, it has a unique way of drawing more people to the core message a leader preaches. How that leader handles persecution determines a lot. Will she abandon the call to ease the tension? Or will she continue the work and watch her influence expand? Those who understand the power of persecution function differently, for they have learned to leverage every ounce of attention to push forth their God-focused vision.
Beloved, in this new era, I want to teach you how to tap into your God-given abilities so you thrive as one of His leaders in the earth.
Whether your vision focuses on the social, political, or economic spheres, you can fulfill God's calling on your life when you have the right spiritual and practical training to make it a reality.
Today, I invite you to join our growing rank of leaders who are learning to do things God's way so we get His results.
Your training is crucial to this development, and at The Felecia Killings Foundation, we've crafted a dynamic leadership program and event just for you.
Register for Our Annual CCM Leadership Convention | Build Your Thought Leadership in the Social, Political, or Economic Sphere
Join Coach Felecia Killings and her guest speakers for our annual 3-day event hosted in Atlanta, GA.
Sponsored by The Felecia Killings Foundation, The CCM Leadership Convention will help rising leaders like you establish powerful thought leadership in the social, political, and economic spheres.
During our intensive training, you will learn key principles that will help you bring your ideas to the national forefront. Event topics include:
Learning key strategies for effective leadership based on Kingdom laws and spiritual principles;
Learning how to bring your voice, your message, and your mission to the national forefront;
Networking with key leaders in your industry;
Accessing independent and mainstream media outlets to deliver your empowering message;
Improving your public speaking skills so your messages are conveyed clearly and succinctly in media;
Identifying key social, political, and economic issues and creating effective, solutions;
Packaging your solutions in book format so you build credibility and authority in your industry;
And so much more!
Don't miss this exciting time to receive our in-person training.
Our Convention Schedule
Day 1 — Establishing Powerful Thought Leadership in the Social, Political, or Economic Spheres
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Guiding Principles for Effective Leadership
10:10 am - 11:30 am: Identifying and Clarifying Your Vision and Mission
11:40 am - 12:40 pm: Identifying and Clarifying Your Core Message
12:40 pm - 1:15 pm: Lunch and Fellowship
1:20 pm - 3:00 pm: Understanding Social Media, Building an Online Movement, and Creating Your Content Creation Machine
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm: Creating Your Ideal Audience and Curating Solutions
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Convention Homework Assignment (Preparation for Day 2)
Day 2 — Packaging Your Thought Leadership in Books
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Group Discussion
10:10 am - 11:30 am: Understanding the Principles of Book Publishing
11:40 am - 12:40 pm: Understanding the Science of Effective Storytelling
12:40 pm - 1:15 pm: Lunch and Fellowship
1:20 pm - 4:20 pm: Writing Workshop (Developing Your Story and Book)
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Convention Homework Assignment (Preparation for Day 3)
Day 3 — Packaging Your Thought Leadership in Online Courses and Coaching Programs
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Group Discussion
10:10 am - 12:30 pm: How to Monetize Your Thought Leadership Using Coaching Programs and Online Courses
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm: Convention Feedback, Evaluations, and Extended Training