A Simple Guide to Understanding Thought Leadership and the 9 Pillars of Building a Platform Based on Your God-Given Vision
Advance your training when you join us for The CCM Leadership Convention in Atlanta, GA
What does it mean to be a thought leader?
Much like blogging, thought leadership has morphed into a powerful marketing strategy that helps boost a leader's reputation, both online and offline.
When working with my clients, I share this basic definition:
​Thought Leadership is the art of influencing the masses to make substantial changes that bring healing, deliverance, and empowerment on a local, state, or national level. Using the power of the written and spoken word, thought leaders convey their expert knowledge through carefully crafted content that delivers actionable solutions to our world's most challenging problems. - Coach Felecia Killings
The more you scour the internet, the more you will find various methods for building your thought leadership. But in this guide, I want to teach you the same framework I deliver to my clients during our annual leadership convention.
​Let's get into this teaching.
Teaching Rising Leaders the 9 Pillars of Building Their Leadership Platforms
Leaders who feel called to empower a certain segment of the world can bring their empowering message to the virtual space. Through the written and spoken word, leaders can create an online communications and media platform, complete with a system of operations that brings their message to millions online. In addition, they can build a stream of income using book publishing, online classes, and coaching programs to fund their God-given mission.
But to get started, the key is to understand the 9 pillars involved in the process.
Pillar 1: Your Vision
According to BusinessDictionary.com, a vision is "an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action."
Another definition follows: "A vision statement for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future, or what they intend to be."
When working with my clients, the first lesson I teach is about identifying the vision God gave them. This vision can be as small or vast as they desire. Some visions are for local reach while others are for a national or international platform.
No matter the size, vision is important.
But before my clients can expect to launch a successful platform, they must clearly articulate their vision so people run with it.
When constructing your vision statement, consider your aspiration for your virtual platform. How will your vision solve a problem that transforms lives?
Ask yourself:
Where do I see myself and my work 25 years from now?
What do I want my legacy to be, even after I leave this earth?
What is God showing me in terms of the kind of work I must do to help expand His Kingdom power in the earth?
What is my purpose and how will my work be an extension of it?
These are just simple questions to ask, and your answers will eventually frame the overall structure you have for your leadership platform.
​Pillar 2: Your Mission
The second pillar is to clearly identify and articulate the mission of your platform.
According to BusinessDictionary.com, a mission statement is a "written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time."
It can "serve as a filter to separate what is important from what is not, clearly states which market will be served and how, and communicates a sense of direction to the entire organization."
To discern between the vision and mission statement, think of one as the cause and the other as the effect.
Within your mission statement, include information that will demonstrate how your platform's goals will empower the people God called you to empower. In addition, include quantifiable information to help you pinpoint your target goals throughout your platform's lifetime.
​Pillar 3: Your Message
To truly thrive, you must identify a clear message that will serve as the hallmark of your leadership brand and platform. This message will mark you as the go-to expert on a specific topic; and this message will elevate your platform to the heights in your industry ... when you apply the remaining pillars of this teaching.
Within my online platform, my core message focuses on revival, reformation, and leadership development in the social, political, and economic spheres. Another way I state it: "At The Felecia Killings Foundation, we believe everyone has a part or share in this great Kingdom work. We believe every person can manifest his or her calling when the right training is provided. And we believe now is your time to act so lives are changed for the better."
This message resounds throughout all my content, including my tweets, guides, podcast episodes, books, event, leadership network, and coaching program. My general message serves as an umbrella for the various topics I address, which include:
Mastering the written and spoken word
Storytelling and book publishing
Understanding Kingdom laws and spiritual principles
Knowing God the Holy Spirit
Becoming a top-tier thought leader
Conservatism and Black Outreach
And all the subtopics generated from these terms
When thinking about your core message, consider the following questions:
What do I feel God is leading me to address in my industry?
What do I see as a major issue in my industry?
What simple, yet empowering message can I bring to this space so lives are changed for the better?
After you have constructed your clear and concise message, you are prepared to develop different media that empower your targeted audience on certain platforms.
Pillar 4: Your Content Creation Machine
Once you have identified your core message, it's time to create bite-sized content and long-form pieces that broadcast it.
In 2016, after receiving instructions to launch my virtual ministry, I created a Facebook group to share my message with women. During my LIVE teachings and social media posts, I began sharing more about the history of American revivals and what God intended to do this next round.
I often shared how God would use the "least of these" to carry out His work in this end-time. He would empower those whom society rejected and elevate them to the highest heights because they have a message for a specific segment in society.
The more I shared these teachings, the more my Facebook group grew. As God began urging me to incorporate politics in my message, my platform expanded exponentially within the conservative space.
The bite-size content I produced on social media drew an audience to my platform whom I never expected. As the people engaged with my material, the social media algorithms boosted my messages into the conservative political space.
At that point, I recognized that my core message was not simply for the women in my Facebook group, but for millions of people who needed to know how to do things God's way to get His results.
Pillar 5: ​Your Audience, Its Needs, and Additional Content
What you will notice from the previous pillar is the shift that happened in my initial audience. Whereas I expected my core message to only hit a small group of women, God's purpose was to bring my voice to the nation.
​As you begin sharing your core message, you will discover the type of audience that is attracted to your message.
Your audience may consist of other women. It may be single mothers. It may be widows.
In my case, it was the entire Conservative Movement.
As you attract your niched audience with your specific message, pay attention to their demographics.
Are they married? Single? Teenagers? Single parents?
Do they work? Own a business? Own a home? Have part-time or full-time job?
More importantly, what are their pain points? What needs do you observe among them?
In my case, I clearly recognized Conservatives' inability to make strong connections with Black voters, who are the most conservative voting bloc in this nation. I noticed how Republicans often used anti-Black messaging to appeal to their audiences, whom they genuinely believe are extremely racist.
As I noticed these patterns, I crafted long-form content on The Foundation's website. Each article, ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 words, spoke to these issues and presented a better alternative to the current political talking points. I recognized within my Beloved audience how many could not understand why they were constantly accused of being racist, despite them repeating racist talking points that got them slapped in these political streets.
Through my research, I helped my audience understand Black History, Black Conservatism, and the current Republican Party's push to keep Black voters away. The more I taught Beloveds about the nonsense, the more they rejected the lunacy on the Right. As a result, racial barriers were broken and today we see more White Conservatives and Black voters building a political alliance.
As you identify the type of people God brings to your leadership platform, understand your bite-sized content will need to take on more depth and insight.
That's where blogging comes into the picture.
Your blog serves as your content marketing machine that produces empowering content to solve your audience's problems. And through this marketing channel, you can seamlessly embed your product (i.e. book) and services (i.e. new coaching program) so potential buyers and clients view you as the go-to expert.
Pillar 6: Your Solution
As you develop a better understanding of your audience, and you recognize their pain points, it's time to present your solution that helps them meet a specific goal.
​Packaging that solution will come in the form of your books, coaching programs, events, speaking engagements, and courses.
As with any offering, you'll want to develop a system that will help your readers and clients achieve a goal. The more you engage with your audience on a daily basis, the more they will see you as an expert and hire your services or other offerings.
Pillar 7: Your Monetization Strategies via Book Publishing, Online Classes, Coaching Programs, and More
When developing your leadership platform, it's important to consider the various ways to generate funding for your work.
In the online space, there are hundreds of methods for earning part-time or full-time income. When working with my clients, I teach them to focus on seven streams of income that eventually work together to build an economic empire that supports their social or political platforms.
Book Publishing
Online Courses
Coaching Programs
Events and speaking engagements
Service-based offerings
Premium niche social networks
Premium newsletters and sponsorships
Creating multiple streams of income provides a double blessing: 1.) Each member of your audience will want to engage and support your platform in one or more ways; and 2.) you will have different pathways of earning money without relying exclusively on one source.
Let's talk book publishing, for example.
For the most part, the vast majority of the general public will never read a book. That includes your book, Beloved, and that's okay.
Book publishing is a monetization and marketing strategy that serves as a "business card" to the industry you want to dominate. Only other leaders, top executives, and avid learners will purchase books to enhance their learning or to discover new leadership talent in the market. This is why book publishing is viewed as the hallmark of establishing thought leadership and authority in the online space.
When becoming a published author, you must see your books in this light. Never focus on book sales, because that is not where the money resides. Instead, see your books as the key that opens other doors of opportunities. Use your books as a method to sell your higher-ticket offerings such as your online courses, coaching programs, events, speaking engagements, and service-based offerings.
Let your books also create new opportunities to be featured in independent and mainstream media. This strategy is what enabled me to be featured in conservative media several times over, including FOX News, the #1 outlet for Republicans and Conservatives to reach millions of people.
Again, do not focus exclusively on book sales. But compose and publish multiple books related to your platform's core message so you become the go-to expert in your industry and field.
And then consider how your audience prefers to receive solutions to their pain points through your other offerings. For example, if you want to build a community around your core message, consider launching a premium membership site or a niche social network.
If your audience is more inclined to work with you as a direct coach, consider creating online classes, webinars, and coaching programs. The key is to know your audience well, discover their preferred method of learning and transformation, and develop the program and system that gives them what they need.
This is how you start generating part-time or full-time income for your leadership platform.
​Pillar 8: Your Network
Your leadership platform's rise will largely depend on your ability to network effectively with the influencers and key decision makers in your niche.
The more content you produce on a consistent basis, like blog posts or videos, the more you establish credibility and authority on your given topic and message. This inevitably attracts other leaders, who will want to partner with you.
I have seen this play out repeatedly within my leadership platform over the last four years. My content has been the vehicle I used, which put me in connection with politicians, FOX media personalities, and more.
The connections or networks you build right now will be a crucial element of your success long-term.
​Pillar 9: Your System of Operations
Once you have laid the foundation for your leadership platform, you must then create your system of operations so it runs smoothly.
This includes creating a content creation machine, a routine, and a work schedule.
This includes developing your sales funnel to receive ongoing buyers and clients; and much more!
Keep in mind: Building your system of operations will take about 18-24 months to perfect (when you have the right training). In the beginning stage, you will learn a lot about the virtual space, how to function efficiently here, and what monetization methods are right for your platform. It will take years to establish a solid network that will support and elevate your platform. So, be patient with yourself and this work.
The #1 strategy for obtaining faster results is to work directly with a coach who has achieved the results you desire. And once that takes place, be willing to invest daily in your leadership platform so you grow your online empire.
In Conclusion ...
Thought leadership is a powerful method for elevating your platform and bringing your message to millions of people nationwide.
But to be most effective, you will need proper training from an expert coach who has delivered the kind of results you desire.
​Beloved, in this new era, I want to teach you how to tap into your God-given abilities so you thrive as one of His leaders in the earth.
Whether your vision focuses on the social, political, or economic spheres, you can fulfill God's calling on your life when you have the right spiritual and practical training to make it a reality.
​Today, I invite you to join our growing rank of leaders who are learning to do things God's way so we get His results.
Your training is crucial to this development, and at The Felecia Killings Foundation, we've crafted a dynamic leadership program and event just for you.
Register for Our Annual CCM Leadership Convention | Build Your Thought Leadership in the Social, Political, or Economic Sphere
Join Coach Felecia Killings and her guest speakers for our annual 3-day event hosted in Atlanta, GA.
Sponsored by The Felecia Killings Foundation, The CCM Leadership Convention will help rising leaders like you establish powerful thought leadership in the social, political, and economic spheres.
During our intensive training, you will learn key principles that will help you bring your ideas to the national forefront. Event topics include:
Learning key strategies for effective leadership based on Kingdom laws and spiritual principles;
Learning how to bring your voice, your message, and your mission to the national forefront;
Networking with key leaders in your industry;
Accessing independent and mainstream media outlets to deliver your empowering message;
Improving your public speaking skills so your messages are conveyed clearly and succinctly in media;
Identifying key social, political, and economic issues and creating effective, solutions;
Packaging your solutions in book format so you build credibility and authority in your industry;
And so much more!
Don't miss this exciting time to receive our in-person training.
​Our Convention Schedule
Day 1 — Establishing Powerful Thought Leadership in the Social, Political, or Economic Spheres
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Guiding Principles for Effective Leadership
10:10 am - 11:30 am: Identifying and Clarifying Your Vision and Mission
11:40 am - 12:40 pm: Identifying and Clarifying Your Core Message
12:40 pm - 1:15 pm: Lunch and Fellowship
1:20 pm - 3:00 pm: Understanding Social Media, Building an Online Movement, and Creating Your Content Creation Machine
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm: Creating Your Ideal Audience and Curating Solutions
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Convention Homework Assignment (Preparation for Day 2)
Day 2 — Packaging Your Thought Leadership in Books
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Group Discussion
10:10 am - 11:30 am: Understanding the Principles of Book Publishing
11:40 am - 12:40 pm: Understanding the Science of Effective Storytelling
12:40 pm - 1:15 pm: Lunch and Fellowship
1:20 pm - 4:20 pm: Writing Workshop (Developing Your Story and Book)
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Convention Homework Assignment (Preparation for Day 3)
Day 3 — Packaging Your Thought Leadership in Online Courses and Coaching Programs
9:00 am - 10:00 am: Group Discussion
10:10 am - 12:30 pm: How to Monetize Your Thought Leadership Using Coaching Programs and Online Courses
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm: Convention Feedback, Evaluations, and Extended Training