Coach Felecia Killings and Sonnie Johnson Co-Host The Thunderdome: Jews vs. Christians During the Holy Week and Candace Owens Runs for Cover to Black America After Trashing It for 8+ Years
Greetings Beloved,
Welcome to The Conscious Conservative Podcast, a collection of curated podcasts from world-class experts that teach rising leaders how to thrive in the social, political, and economic spheres.
I am Coach Felecia Killings, Founder and CEO of The Felecia Killings Foundation. We are a Conscious Conservative think tank and coaching organization that trains rising thought leaders for full activation in the social, political, and economic spheres.
Through our daily teachings, our podcast, our networks, our coaching program, and our annual events, we prepare our leader-clients with spiritual and practical tools to bring revival and reformation to the communities they serve.
The Foundation was founded in 2018 with a goal to teach rising leaders how to understand Kingdom laws, spiritual principles, and practical strategies that help them walk in their calling.
By using the power of the written and spoken word, each leader could bring change within the social, political, and economic spheres based on their God-given vision.
In 2019, The Conscious Conservative Movement was founded with a goal of demonstrating how these spiritual laws and practical principles could be applied in the social, political, and economic spheres to produce God-like wonders.
​By learning how to do things God’s way, we can always expect His results. And since the launch of this Movement, millions of people have witnessed the power of God’s Word working through our various spheres.
In 2022, The Conscious Conservative Movement proved influential in securing local and statewide conservative political victories in Georgia.
​Using effective communication strategies that delivered political insight to Black voters and Conservatives, we proved why shifting conservative messaging and training is the #1 solution for bridging a racial gap within the Republican structure. In addition, our research helped inform conservative politics on behalf of Black Americans who are interested in protecting what they build. As a result, more Black voters aligned with Georgia’s conservative politics, ensuring a sweeping conservative victory.​
In 2023, The Conscious Conservative Movement Leadership Network and Convention were formed to provide ongoing group support to our leaders. Each month, we host monthly masterclasses with today's rising political leaders. In addition, our members receive exclusive invites to join our annual CCM Leadership Convention in Atlanta, GA every October.
In 2020, as The Movement gained traction, My Beloved Women’s Ministry, Leadership Network, and Retreat were founded to empower women leaders who wanted to solve problems in our social spheres. Our empowering network also delivers monthly masterclasses for our members plus exclusive invites to join our annual women’s retreat in Atlanta, GA every May.
As we continue doing the work of ministry and affecting change on the local, state, and national level, we remember our core motto: Everyone has a part or share in this great Kingdom work.
When we learn to do things God's way, we always get His results.
And now's the time to manifest His greatness in the social, political, and economic spheres.
The Felecia Killings Foundation is the vehicle we use to make our mark.
I send a blessing to each person who will tune into this new episode of The Conscious Conservative Podcast. Our mission is to equip rising leaders like you with spiritual and practical tools to help you manifest your vision this year. In addition, my guest speakers and I discuss pertinent topics within the social, political, and economic spheres from a Conscious Conservative perspective.
As you know, the essence of Conscious Conservatism is to demonstrate how moral conservatism empowers us to create social, political, and economic empires based on Kingdom principles. As Conservatives, our 'consciousness' stems from our awareness of spiritual laws that, when applied correctly, guarantee our success. As Conscious Conservatives, we conserve these truths and implement these values to solve problems in our communities. And as a result of doing things this better way, we can expect better results that last for generations to come.
Now, let’s get into this teaching.
Special Blessings to Our Beloved Sponsor, Greg Bulla
From my earliest days in school as a kid, I remember the school library as being great place where I could find all kinds of books about all kinds of things. Even though the type of books I looked for changed as I got older, the school library still remained an important source of knowledge and information to me.
Today, school libraries are front and center in a fight to maintain freedom of information and thought, as school book bans have increased across the country. My latest book, For Their Own Good? takes a look at the modern age of school book bans, and its history, as well.
Visit Greg’s store here to pick up a copy today.