Why Leaders Ought to Embrace Greatness as a Norm and Manifest Their God-Given Visions, No Matter the Cost
The CCM Sunday Times Volume 7
Why Leaders Ought to Embrace Greatness as a Norm and Manifest Their God-Given Visions, No Matter the Cost
This morning, as I prepared for another week, I opened my Kindle to read one of my many self-help books.
I came across B.R. Austin's work, How to Make Money, and scoured one of his chapters called "Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds."
He opened the passage as follows:
Most lives ... are poor and mean in their outward expression and conditions because the individuals are mentally poor and poverty stricken. Little thoughts, plans, [and] ideals beget little interest, little effort, [and] little zeal in the individual, and awaken little or no interest in other minds. The radical difference between the pop-corn man on the corner and the Captain of Industry ... is in the size of their ideas and conceptions. Pop-corn ideas beget a pop-corn life; great ideas, projects, [and] enterprises, on the other hand, rouse the soul of the individual to zeal ... commensurate with the great ideas.
If we look at our world today, we will find the masses operating with "pop-corn" mentalities. The ideas they have for themselves and their communities are small, insignificant, or nonexistent. The masses are content with mediocrity, yet they complain about the mediocre worlds in which they live.
Consider politics, for example.
In a world where concentrated power can be shared among the general population, the people are more inclined to relinquish their power to government to solve even their most basic needs.
Consider the stories we read in the Bible as another example.
In a world where God declared to His people, "I am your King," the people wanted a physical ruler -- King Saul -- rather than the Creator of the Universe.
The masses are pop-corn dreamers while the few are great thinkers, creators, and movement shakers.
It is a sad tale considering humanity's potential for greatness. In every man contains the life-giving power known as the thinking center -- the human mind. And within this mind contains the ability to dream big.
For many people, the concept of "more than enough" scares them. As such, to dream big would require a degree of faith, which they lack.
They fear asking God for greater things, greater visions, and greater works. They are content with a pop-corn life rather than tapping into their creative genius to discover a universe of wonders.
Perhaps you find yourself in a similar predicament, Beloved.
You have become comfortable with mediocrity. You are content with your lot in life, because you cannot see yourself walking in greater power.
Perhaps you are discouraged by what you witness in the social, political, and economic spaces. Rather than seeing yourself as a change agent, you close your eyes and pretend the issues no longer exist.
But this is not the way, Beloved, for each of us has been called to impact our worlds with our great ideas, our great visions, and our great wonders. For how can we expect any change in any sphere if we aren't willing to lead in any cause?
Greatness is within you as it is within me.
I have learned at an early age the power of faith and knowing who I am in time and space.
Knowing God on a personal level is a flex, and it is something God desires for each of us.
Each day, we are commanded to be great. We are commanded to walk in the "fullness of Christ," knowing we are operating according to the power working within us.
That power -- that anointing -- contains all you need to manifest even the greatest ideas you have. And when you learn how to function fully in that grace, you will perform greater wonders each year.
And that message is for you today, Beloved.
Greatness is in you.
You need only tap into that genius.
By studying the Ancient Texts and by analyzing the brilliant minds of the past, you can learn how other great men and women accomplished insurmountable feats.
Until next time, Beloved, be blessed.
And as always, let’s grow together!
Coach Felecia Killings
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